Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Example Of Speech About Global Warming

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

                First of all, I would like to say thanks to Allah SWT who has given us bless and health so that we can get together in this place right now.
                Today, I will deliver speech from Dianne Feinstein is about Global Warming.
                As we know, Global warming is a biggest problem in the world now. In this years, the earth tempereature up to highest point, it will happen in United states. Over the past 150 years, humans have been burning more and more fuel. The fuel is used to power the vehicles and the factories, and also to generate electricity. The vehicles and the factories produce carbon dioxide. The extra carbon dioxide is increasing the green house effect. That’s why the earth is getting warmer.   
                 The earth is getting warmer, so now the ice at the North and South poles is melting. The other effect of global warming is changing the earth’s climate, making some places hotter and others colder.
                The global warming is happening now. We can't stop it quickly, but we can reduce the effects little by little. I will tell you some ways to save energy and help to reduce the greenhouse effects.
First, we can save the electricity at home, at school, and at work.
The second, we can save energy, keep healthy and use other alternatives.
                Those are several ways that we can do to save our environment from global warming effects.  And now, it’s time to stop talking, but show your action.
Remind your family, your friends, and even your teachers to do these things. Saving the environment and saving the energy means SAVE THE FUTURE!
                I think that’s all repeat speech from Dianne Feinstein. Thank you very much for your attention. Once again I just confirms, STOP GLOBAL WARMING!

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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